Income in the summer

How do you cope with lower income?

👉 Both us and our clients take more time off during the summer and we need to be ready for that.

🟡 Summer doesn’t necessarily have to be a low income season for you if you:

  • keep a similar number of your 1-on-1 courses
  • have coaching / consultation / check-up sessions with existing or new clients
  • offer asynchronous services so you can be flexible
  • create experiential events such as trips/walks or workshops
  • organize short intensive courses – 1-day, weekend, 1-week
  • have a digital product which creates extra income in the summer
  • join other people’s courses as a guest teacher
  • team-teach at daycamps and summer camps
  • take on other jobs you wouldn’t during the school year
  • and of course – save for the summer throughout the year
  • ….. your ideas?

🟡 The ideal situation is to combine several of these.

💰How do YOU cope with the summers?

👉 Let’s share and help each other with some useful strategies!

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