Gabriella Kovács, MA PCC is an Australian-born internationally certified professional coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation, language coach, a business communication trainer, language teacher (B.Ed., M.A.), teacher trainer and international speaker.
Her mission is to inspire more of a holistic coaching approach in mainstream language teaching and training processes. Her recently published book, A Comprehensive Language Coaching Handbook (Pavilion Publishing and Media, 2022) describes the theory and practice of an emerging discipline based on research and extensive experience. She is also co-founder of the International Language Coaching Association.
I would like to invite you to a unique workshop at Nina English where you can discover how you can better support your students with the help of language coaching!
To enable a smooth transition from teacher to coach mindset, we will be moving from understanding the layers of language coaching to comparing it with teaching.
We will take a look at the learning values our clients attach to language and communication study in business environments and look at 1-2-1 and group scenarios alike.
In the activity-based, interactive section of the workshop, we will be looking at what sort of coaching questions and techniques can be applied with ease and you will observe a demo coaching session.
Afterwards, you will learn to apply one of the most commonly used coaching models, and a number of tools also used in my recently published book.
All this with plenty of opportunity to try out all these in peer-practice formations, so the coaching toolkit will provide a tailored takeaway, with expert guidance.
Finally, the workshop will end with a detailed Q&A section to clarify and add extra insights and also to allow attendees to share the implications for their work in the future.
A mini-booklet with photocopiable handouts will be included.
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