Konzultace pro lektorky

🌟 English version here.

Po 19 letech na volné noze v jazykovém vzdělávání ti nabízím podporu v nasměrování tvého učení a podnikání.


“Od konzultace jsem chtěla dvě věci: nástroje, rady a metody, jak lépe pracovat s motivací a cíli studentů, a taky získat sebejistotu v tom, zda výuku bez učebnic vedu dobrým směrem. V nabitých dvou hodinách jsem dostala obojí, navíc ve skvělém kabátu Niny nakažlivé pozitivní a podporující energie. Konzultace rozhodně naplnila má očekávání, mám akční kroky a vím, jak jich dosáhnout.”
Barbora Ziková
online lektorka
Vím, co funguje a co ne:
A teď jsem tu pro tebe!

Pojďme se společně podívat na to, jak se ke mně můžeš přidat a tvořit komunitu samostatných a rozzářených lektorek. Přirozeně to pak budeš přenášet na svoje klienty a budeš mít s nimi lepší výsledky a lepší pocit z odvedené práce, jako já.


  • Základní konzultace probíhá v domluvený čas přes Zoom nebo telefon, v rozsahu 2-2,5 hodiny.
  • Cena: 4500 Kč. Platba předem na účet.
  • Po konzultaci ode mě obdržíš zápis v Google dokumentu – se souhrnem hlavních bodů, doporučených postupů a zdrojů
  • Můžeš mi poté poslat e-mailem krátké doplňující dotazy nebo se mnou sdílet svůj posun!
  • Poté možnost doplňujících konzultací. Cena: 1500 Kč / 30min nebo 2800 Kč / 60min

🌟 Členky Klubu úspěšných lektorek angličtiny mají 20 % slevu na všechny konzultace.

“Na Ninu jsem se obrátila, protože jsem cítila, že Nina patří k průkopnicím nového stylu výuky angličtiny v ČR. A protože chci jít tímto směrem, chtěla jsem si ušetřit čas pokusů a omylů a netrávit hledáním informací tolik času. Nina byla pro mne zkratkou ke všem odpovědím, odkazům, tipům pro tento způsob výuky, doporučila mi vždy konkrétní zdroje a odkazy, které seděly právě na mě. Pomohla mi taky rozklíčovat, na čem nejvíce zapracovat a já si sama na sobě tento styl výuky otestovala, abych nebyla kovářova kobyla. Naučila mě se sama učit Aj i lektořinu. A za toho půl roku spolupráce se stalo moc. Pronikla jsem do světa Aj bez učebnic. Pochopila jsem jak to funguje. Vím, kde co najít. Cítím oporu, že to, co dělám, není žádné vaření z vody, ale má svůj systém, který jsem tak dlouho hledala.”
Kateřina Stránská
“Obrátila jsem se na Ninu s prosbou o koučování v businessu, který brzo plánuju rozjet. Nevěděla jsem, jak prakticky na to, kde začít, kam pokračovat a jak získat zákazníky. Nina má zkušeností v oboru a v businessu na rozdávání. Je profesionální a její rady jsou vždy šité na míru. Probraly jsme spoustu věcí, které jsem ani neveděla, že potřebuju vědět. Teď vím od někoho, kdo už si tím prošel, která cesta vede nejrychleji k tomu, čeho chci dosáhnout. To je k nezaplacení. Stálo to za to a jsem vděčná, že jsem do sebe byla ochotná investovat. Nedám na Ninu dopustit!”
Zuzana Delgado
“Not only did Nina help me to focus, she also shared with me her ups and downs, and this was so helpful. We discussed my visions and plans, my website, my visual identity and I am so grateful for the individual consultation. It was so worth it, I recommend it to everyone!”
Lenka Málková
“Consultation with Nina was priceless. We discussed so much – from keeping a mailing list, automatization, processes and working with a virtual assistant and delegating tasks to working with a baby. Thank you, Nina, I will probably be going through everything I was inspired by you for sooo long now!”
Kateřina Valentová
“I totally recommend a consultation with Nina because she knows what she is doing! I’m really bad at using charts, keeping records and goal setting. I wasn’t happy with the money I earned last year and I wanted to quit freelancing and find a corporate job. I didn’t know how to set goals regarding money and how to arrange my offers so I could be earning the money I’d like to have. Nina showed me how to go about it and I can’t be happier. I can finally see the numbers written down on a piece of paper and what to do to get these numbers into my bank account. She is a gem!”
Alena Vágnerová
“It was just what I needed. I’ve been exploring the ways of teaching without books for some time, I’ve felt it is something I really want to do. But I also felt insecure, always second-guessing myself. Nina assured me that I’m on the right track. She shared with me lots of practical tips on setting learning goals with students and on the coaching approach. She also pointed out some things that I can improve. It was very inspirational! Now I feel much more confident about the way I teach. Thank you, Nina, you’re the best!“
Olga Voltrová
“My consultation with Nina was a bit of a spur-of-the-moment thing. I was thrown into a situation I had no experience with, started walking in circles and needed someone to talk to. Nina reacted promptly and went through it with me and helped me settle my thoughts and find the way out. It is priceless to have someone who understands your business and is able to see into the issue… Thanks a lot!”
Karolína Rybková
“Nina’s ability to bring out the best in me as a new teacher shines in how patient, organized, planned and spontaneous, creative, and inspirational she is. And she can do the same for you! When I started out I had no idea how to organize my schedule, how to price my services, how to communicate with my clients and how to promote myself in very natural ways. She preaches what she lives and I look forward to a future learning more with her!”
Mary E. Amon
“I’m a Canadian ELT freelancer returning to work after four years of maternity leave here in the Czech Republic. Despite having completed an on-line business coaching program for ELT freelance professionals from around the world, I still had a lot of questions and ideas about ELT freelancing here in the Czech Republic that I wanted to discuss with somebody who had knowledge and experience here in the Czech Republic. Nina was absolutely the right person for this consultation! Our consultation gave me answers to my questions, reassured me about some of my ideas, and gave me some new resources to look into that support my development as a freelancer and help me get set up online. We covered a lot of topics during the consultation: getting set up to work online, transitioning from teacher to language coach, some of the technical aspects of working ‘živno’, and working freelance as a mom of a young child. After this consultation, I feel a lot more excited, reassured, supported, and confident about returning to freelancing and taking my ELT work in a new direction. Thank you, Nina, for sharing your experience, knowledge, insights, and enthusiasm. It’s empowering!”
Anna Ruzicka
“I’d love to recommend this consultation to everyone! It helped me to clarify many things from the very beginning of my freelance career.”
Tanja Navrkalová
“Nina is a person full of passion, who easily makes everyone connected to her become more successful. Her warm demeanour and friendly personality makes her among the best coaches and colleagues to work with. She is incredibly supportive and will get you where you need to be very fast. She is a skilled professional, both as a teacher and a business owner.”
Anita Adnan
“A heartfelt recommendation to you – if you haven’t had your individual session about your business yet with Nina, go for it. I felt my business got into a stage where it needed help from outside. Before this session my shoulders felt heavy and my brain was more like a ball of tangled yarn. And now? I feel as light as a feather! My ideas and thoughts seem to be so nicely organized before my eyes. During our session, I had space to talk about my issues, ideas and also worries. Nina made me feel totally understood, safe and together we have come up with some really great things. Nina just pointed a flashlight in the right direction and I managed to see it all in one beautiful picture. How grateful I am! Thank you, Nina.”
Žaneta Spencer

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