How to teach … speaking?

“How to teach…” is back!

This time with a skill that ALL of our clients dread the most – opening their mouth to SPEAK.

So I’d like us to inspire each other with this post and hopefully help our students even more.

So let’s share our tips for:

  • your students’ needs – who do your students need to be able to speak with?
  • your students’ struggles – what do they struggle with the most?
  • techniques and strategies – how do you help your students improve speaking? which tricks and steps do you recommend both inside and outside of lessons?
  • apps, websites, plug-ins – what are the best ones in your opinion and do you use them in the lessons too?
  • offline resources – are there any activities you recommend your students to do in order to improve their speaking?
  • improving our own speaking skills – what do you do to improve your speaking, do you have English-speaking friends, do you speak to yourself in your head a lot, do you use the same strategies you recommend to your students?

Please, answer as many questions as you can, I will add my answers later too!

And if you have any blog posts that you wrote for your students about speaking better, please, share that too in the comments!

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